Margin of Safety: Risk-Averse Value Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful Investor
- 論 勢
- 論 戰
- 論 性
Warren Buffett
- The New Buffettology by Mary Buffett and David Clark (與巴菲特同步買進)
- The Essential Buffett by Robert Hagstrom (巴菲特的新主張)
- How to Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett by Timothy Vick (巴菲特如何選擇成長股)
- 《巴菲特的八堂投資課》 劉建位編著
- Warren Buffett on the Stock Market
Philip Fisher
- Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits (非常潛力股)
Peter Lynch
- One up on Wall Street (彼得林區選股戰略)
- Beating the Street (征服股海)
Benjamin Graham
- The Intelligent Investor (智慧型股票投資人)
- Security Analysis (證券分析)
Charlie Munger
- Poor Charlie's Almanack
- Damn Right by Janet Lowe (投資奇才曼格)
Money, Political Economics & Misc
- The Mystery of Banking by Murray Rothbard
- Jude Wanniski on Money
- Gold and Economic Freedom by Alan Greenspan
- 《一個投機者的告白》作者:Andre Kostolany
- 《貨幣戰爭》作者:宋鴻兵
- 《一個經濟殺手的自白》作者:John Perkins
- 《血戰華爾街 F.I.A.S.C.O.》aka《誠信的背後》作者:Frank Partnoy
- 《黑天鵝》作者:Nassim Taleb
- The Promise and Peril of Credit Derivatives by Frank Partnoy and David Skeel
- The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey (股市真規則)
- Behavioral Finance and Wealth Management: How to Build Optimal Portfolios that Accounts for Investor Biases by Michael Pompian