
書中自有黃金屋 My Rocommended Reading List

Seth Klarman

Margin of Safety: Risk-Averse Value Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful Investor


  1. 論 勢
  2. 論 戰
  3. 論 性

Warren Buffett

  1. The New Buffettology by Mary Buffett and David Clark (與巴菲特同步買進)
  2. The Essential Buffett by Robert Hagstrom (巴菲特的新主張)
  3. How to Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett by Timothy Vick (巴菲特如何選擇成長股)
  4. 《巴菲特的八堂投資課》 劉建位編著
  5. Warren Buffett on the Stock Market

Philip Fisher

  1. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits (非常潛力股)

Peter Lynch

  1. One up on Wall Street (彼得林區選股戰略)
  2. Beating the Street (征服股海)

Benjamin Graham

  1. The Intelligent Investor (智慧型股票投資人)
  2. Security Analysis (證券分析)

Charlie Munger

  1. Poor Charlie's Almanack
  2. Damn Right by Janet Lowe (投資奇才曼格)

Money, Political Economics & Misc

  1. The Mystery of Banking by Murray Rothbard
  2. Jude Wanniski on Money
  3. Gold and Economic Freedom by Alan Greenspan
  4. 《一個投機者的告白》作者:Andre Kostolany
  5. 《貨幣戰爭》作者:宋鴻兵
  6. 《一個經濟殺手的自白》作者:John Perkins
  7. 《血戰華爾街 F.I.A.S.C.O.》aka《誠信的背後》作者:Frank Partnoy
  8. 《黑天鵝》作者:Nassim Taleb
  9. The Promise and Peril of Credit Derivatives by Frank Partnoy and David Skeel
  10. The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey (股市真規則)
  11. Behavioral Finance and Wealth Management: How to Build Optimal Portfolios that Accounts for Investor Biases by Michael Pompian


Greatest Quote of the Day

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Thomas Jefferson



Carry Trade and a New Form of Financial Turbulence

At the end of February, global stock markets registered the largest decline since the 9-11 Incident. Just a decade ago in February 1997, international speculators began selling the Thai Baht, and gradually led to the Asian Financial Turmoil - a major incident in 20th century world economic history. It is worthy to compare the recent market turbulence with the past.













1. 選股原則以公司擁有持續競爭優勢,擁有高於賬面值之資產為大前提。(參考 The Essential Buffett, The New Buffettology 及 One Up on Wall Street。)

2. 所支付之價格相對於估值範圍,必須存在足夠的安全空間,以避免買價過高。(參考 How to Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett 的數學例子。)

3. 資金分配於各資產的比例多寡,以保留靈活性為原則,並且避免孤注一擲。(參考 The Essential Buffett。)

4. 遠離市場干擾,然後耐心等待低買時機的來臨。

5. 下單前,請重溫所有投資箴言一遍,以減少犯上低級錯誤

6. 長期持有,而且避免以賬面盈虧作為賣出指標。



  1. 弄清楚自己所研究的公司股票屬於哪一種類型:緩慢增長型,穩定增長型,快速增長型,周期型,隱藏資產型,困境反轉型。
  2. 這支股票目前的價位相對於公司將來的發展前景來説是低估還是高估了。
  3. 盡可能了解公司正如何經營運作,以使公司業務更加繁榮,增長更加強勁。










你具備股票投資成功所必需的個人素質嗎?Are You Equipped With the Personal Qualities of Successful Stock Investing?


  1. 耐心 - Patient
  2. 自立 - Independent
  3. 常識 - Common Sense
  4. 對於痛苦的忍耐力 - Pain Endurant
  5. 心胸廣闊 - Broad Minded
  6. 超然 - Aloof
  7. 堅持不懈 - Persistent
  8. 謙虛 - Humble
  9. 靈活 - Flexible
  10. 願意獨立研究 - Willing to Research Independently
  11. 能夠主動承認錯誤 - Accept Errors Proactively
  12. 能夠在市場普遍性恐慌之中不受影響,並且保持冷靜的能力。Remain calm during market panic.








How to Detect Financial Defects

Despite the accounting irregularities in some listed companies, investors can be forewarned by looking at the company’s liquidity, profitability, management, borrower communications, external environment and strategy.

Q: How can an individual investor without much financial training detect financial irregularities in listed companies?

Investors always depend on financial statements to make investment decisions. Following the recent accounting frauds in a few listed companies, some investors wonder whether they should still take the effort to analyse financial statements, given that those statements may not be true or reflect the real picture of the company.

Nevertheless, we believe financial statements still provide us with the main source of references. Besides, there are other indicators of the company, which can also provide us with certain levels of financial warnings.

According to Charles W. Mulford and Eugene E. Comiskey in their book titled Financial Warnings, there are mainly six types of financial warnings: liquidity, profitability, management, borrower communications, external environment and strategy.


One of the most important types of financial warnings is liquidity. This factor is normally related to the massive expansion of a company’s operation way beyond the control of the company’s management.

In most instances, the company’s internal control fails to provide adequate control on the company’s risk management. Besides, a company that shows a sharp increase in trade debtors or a jump in bank borrowings may imply it has liquidity problems.

Besides financial statements, there are other indicators of a company that can provide investors with certain levels of financial warnings.


Retailers always have problems in determining the quality earnings of a company. Sometimes, the reported profits of a company may not reflect its real earnings, as a big portion of the profits were derived from non-operating sources of income, for example, the gain from the disposal of assets, securities or accounting adjustments for net income.

One of the key indicators in this section is gross profit margin as a percentage of sales. We should be checking if there is any deterioration in gross profit margin resulting from price cutting on key products.


Good management will discuss the company’s performance and prospects during analysts’ briefings or in the annual reports.

However, some companies talk freely to investors when things are going well but “clam up” when troubles and disappointment occur.

Investors need to take note of the resignation of key management or change of owners, excessive perks for owners, lifestyle of owners not being consistent with the profitability of the company or the management’s projections of sales and earnings that are well beyond past history.

In Malaysia, we should be alert to events like the disposal of a significant equity interest by the major shareholders, failure to meet earnings projections or pending some material litigation.

Borrower communications

In this section, the two most important indicators are the delay in providing financial statements and changes in accountants or auditors.

We should also be watchful on the change in format of income statement, the change in financial year-end or the provision of only basic financial information without much detail on certain key important items.

External environment

A good management should be able to perform well during the good as well as bad times.

Investors need to be watchful for changes in external environments like the increase in interest rates, changes in regulations, new competition or new technologies in the industry.


Financial warning on strategy mainly refers to the expansion into unrelated businesses or a fundamental change in business direction.

In Malaysia, some second board companies incurred high losses during 1997/98, which were mainly due to expansion into unrelated businesses like property development activities during 1996.


The Hedge Fund Subprime Credit Crunch Explained

The ongoing crisis triggered by the subprime mortgage defaults continues to spiral into new directions, making it difficult for even experienced market watchers to comprehend the complete picture and its implication for the financial markets. Therefore this article attempts to explain the crisis and what it implies for future interest rate trends.


Making Money the Warren Buffett Way

When an investor amasses $52 billion over half a century, humble stock pickers take note. When he's Warren Buffett, the homespun "Oracle of Omaha," it not only pays to heed his thinking, but it's fun.


Quote of the Day


-- 巴菲特